Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Eng 10; ersatz

I'm required to take only one major this sem. And that's English 10.

Of all the majors, I just had to have this one. T_T

I was told that English 10 is all about writing papers, papers, and more papers. It's too bad that I completely such at writing.

Writing's one of my major weaknesses. (I'm starting to wonder if I even have any strong points. ~_~) Especially writing papers for class. Sure, I can do informal essays but that's it. Nothing more can be expected from me.

I mean, my grammar sucks (well... not totally but I think it's not good enough), My vocablary's too small, I'm not creative enough, I fail to think outside the box, I'm ignorant. All major no-no's when you want to write stuff. Add the fact that I'm no good with words, and explaining things, plus I tend to use inappropriate terms without knowing it.

I swear. Whatever happens, I'll make sure my grade exceeds the required 2.00 to be able to shift to other courses.



Here I go again.

I really have issues with people insisting that I come from a rich family.


But that is not what I want to talk about here.

Ms. Hilario has never been my favourite teacher. Though I think she's nice in her own way, she's just well... done some things which annoyed people. Sometimes, she's unreasonable. Too strict for her own good.

Having said that, I always tried to stay away from her, and sometimes even feel that I hate her.

But I can't help but be touched at what she said about me.

Feng and I were chatting when she mentioned about how Ms. Hilario hated (let's change the name, shall we?) Jade's guts. How Ms. Hilario thought that Jade is nothing but a pretentious, social climber.

Feng said that Ms. Hilario was (or is) often annoyed by Jade's attempts to make herself seem like a classy rich kid.

With her coniotic way of speaking, Jade would brag about how she spends time every week at Starbucks, thinking that it makes her seem like a sophisticated person. Aside from that, Jade would often be seen flaunting her accessories and "branded" clothes.

I won't hide the fact that I, myself, am irked by what Jade does. I never liked people who thinks they're above everyone else specially because she thinks she acts and has things that "show off" her financial status.

I think it's pathetic.

But anyway, that got me thinking.

Am I like Jade?

Do I, unnecessarily flaunt my accessories, brag about where I hang out, and show off the things I have? I realize that I do speak in a somewhat coniotic way, but I swear! It's just out of habit. It's easier to talk that way for me.

This is where Ms. Hilario's comment comes in.

According to Feng, Ma'am Hilario said, "Akala mo naman kung sinong rich girl yang si Jade. Kung gusto niyo ng totoong rich girl, si Ericka Nera yun. Hindi lang niya pinapakita at pinagmamayabang." (paraphrased)

In all honesty, I was touched by what she said. Though I, myself, know not how came to think of that, I'm just glad when I hear of someone thinking good things about me.

It baffles me though. If I don't show that I'm rich, if I don't look rich, then why on earth do people STILL think I come from a rich family??

Hayy... there are some things which cannot be readily answered.

For the mean time, I hope this whole idea of my family being rich will eventually wear off. We're just practical people, after all. :)


Let's all dream, and dream big. :p

Thanks for reading and comments will be greatly appreciated. ^^,


So much for writing. hayy.. I really do suck. ~_~