Thursday, April 20, 2006


Today started off with me feeling a bit sick. It continued on until I arrived at the music room (more than a little bit late, I must add).

I didn't mean for anyone to notice, but it seems, it was quite apparent, for when I arrived, they immediately asked if I wasn't feeling well.

And to quote JP, "Kitang-kita sa mukha".

I wasn't aware that my face clearly showed it.

So goes the question about my being that transparent.

Is being transparent a bad thing?

I realize that it's kind of a stupid question. I mean, being transparent can't be a bad thing, can it?


Although... I'm not implying, in any way, that I'm transparent to the point that there's nothing about me that no one knows. Of course! I mean, where would the mystery be had I let people know absolutely everything and anything about me?



I'm seriously bored in this house.

Which is why I can understand why Lola Gie acts the way she does.

I'd have gone ballistic if I were the one stuck in this house for more than 3 years with barely anything to do except think about what to cook and worry about the servants.

I try my best to keep her company, but it's just not working out. I mean, she has her own interests and I have mine.


I wish we can have an outing together.

Anyway. it's 1:50 am. I gotta sleep. goodmorning everyone.

Okay, I lied. it's already 2:30a.m. and I'm not asleep.

I suddenly felt awake.

And so I'll type whatever comes to my mind. :)



Yeah. That's the way to go. ♥

My ideal guy would be Italian. xD For some reason... I'm rather attached to them (and Europe, for that matter).


*dreamy eyes*

WOAH. Okay, hold on a minute.

I'm sorry, that was mush wasn't it?

Geez. I let my mind go for a couple of minutes and already, it's gone off to lala-land.

Do I need to have my brains knocked or something?

Ah who cares? If this is torture to you, then it's your problem. *cue evil laugh*


I'm suddenly not too sure that I do feel awake. @.@



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