Monday, August 21, 2006

30 people I just named

read each question below, for every question, youmust type in the first name that comes into yourmind. just one. u r not included.
ready? go.
1. u sit near to in class- rejoice
2. has great looking hair- keizhia
3. has a great smile- monmon
4. has a deep voice- kuya mark
5. has a cute laugh- deni
6. has a wild laugh- @_@
7. looks cute with makeup on- eee. I prefer no make-up.
8. is funny- jean
9. is good in drawing- hannah
10. is tall- pashaq
11. has C.A.T. hair- ado
12. has good penmanship- rhea
13. is good in math- anna
14. has pink cheeks- jo (newest lil' cousin!)
15. is good in volleyball- marian
16. is good in badminton- rhenz?
17. loves to play the guitar- jimmel
18. loves his/her cell- jamie!
19. is tall- kuya kimpi
20. is short- rejoice pish tayo! *mwah*
21. has cat eyes- theressa?
22. has a cool last name- Sunhee
23. no.22's love interest- No idea. 8-}
24. no. 12's love interest- di ko alam! (share naman! xD)
25. no. 18's love interest- *ahem*
26. no. 11's love interest- uh, ewan ko dun. xD
27. no. 13's love interest- ********? ewan. hehe
28. no. 21's love interest- di ko rin kilala eh. xD
29. love's blue and green- hindi ko alam... @_@
30. who you'd like to give you atestimonial- lahat gusto ko bigyana ku. xD
paste as "30 People I Just Named"

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Jane's World


This tuesday, I'm supposed to pass the final copy of my concept paper.


During the workshop, I was quite happy with the comments I received. I was relieved to find that they liked my topic and thought that I explored it well. So what's the problem?

They wanted me to find at least one other print source. Thing is, I can't. I'm guessing the lib won't be open tomorrow since it's a holiday, and I have no print source here which can help me.

It was just my great fortune to find out that Rj, whom I get to chat with, more or less, everyday, has tons of them. But guess what? He was the one person I didn't ask. -_- Now it's too late. I couldn't ask him to find a line for me or something, I've already been bugging him too much last night. >_<


Anyway, today, Rejoice and I were supposed to watch UAAP; however, we both felt it too tiresome. I'm just worried about our PE.

Speaking of PE, it was quite surprising to find that my current partner for chachacha was a former classmate of my big bro! haha. :p

On to the bigger things:

I'm nearing the end of Sophie's World by Jostein Gaardner. Expect a review from me when I finish it. :) Just so you know, I don't think my review will say anything bad about the book. :D


For reasons I cannot understand, I suddenly feel as if whatever I had been confused with is over.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I lost my left eye

Yesterday morning, I lost my left contact lens. >_< Needless to say, I'll be having a hard time for a while in school. -_-;

Add to that the fact that I only went to school for one class. ONE!

It's not all bad though. Rejoice and I had yet another one of our girly-girl talks.

What with me and my paranoia and her and her... quest to finally be able to talk to "him" (whoever "him" is hehe :p).

Yesterday afternoon, instead of going straight home, I went to the hospital. My brother had to be taken there because he was experiencing extreme chest pains.

That got me scared. I don't want to experience the same thing, so I thought I should start living a healthy life. No longer would my "healthy life" consist of only laughter, it would also consist of daily excercise and right diet. -_-

It's going to take me a while though, I know that. But prevention is better than cure, right? This should be the one risk I shouldn't take.

Hehe. That shouldn't be really hard. I'm not a risky person. I rarely put myself, or any part of me, at risk. So... it should be easy... right?

@_@ Help.


I seriously think I'm too nice. I let myself be affected (and overly so) by people I shouldn't be worrying that much about in the first place.

Still, I can't help but be sad. :(

Either this is shallowness or over-sensitivity on my part. -_-; Which is it? gah.


I'm up for a busy two days:

1. Quiz in German10 this thursday
a. vocabulary
b. Einheit drei
c. Einheit vier
d. Einheit fÜnf
2. Peer Review Sheets do friday
a. Roanne
b. Chris
c. Rose
d. Corinne
3. Project in Kas1 due on friday
a. Document - Blair and Robertson
b. Specialized - (none at the moment)
c. Controversy - Blood Compact

Oh yeah. I just hope to be able to finish all these by then.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Masyado yata ako naging judgemental.

Hm... Ewan. Nalilito na rin ako.

One thing's for sure though... :) I'll just let it pass and go on as if nothing happened. Perhaps I just took it too seriously, hehe.

And I let it bother me all weekend! geeesh.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Hugs, as I have always said, are one of the things I'm known for.

I love giving and receiving hugs from friends, family, and those people I care for.

I've always been curious about hugs. I've wondered, what is it about hugs that gives the receiver of the hug comfort? Why do we give hugs during times of great sadness and, equally so, during times of extreme happiness?

Hugging to me, is a lot of things.

It may represent strength being lent to the other. Comfort and assurance being given to the sad. Happiness for a friend who is victorious. Remembrance before parting, so that each may remember of their bond. Hugs are a lot of things.

But I have always wondered what it is about hugs that makes it all of those things.

I am a touchy person, in the sense that I am affectionate and love hugs. Give me a hug and I'll return it quite happily. :)

So I wonder, is it because of the touching? Something personal, that it brings comfort to the receiver?

Earlier this morning, while I was doing my concept paper on autism, I read an interview of someone who's suffering from the disorder itself. She mentioned something about autistics seeking pressure because pressure calms the nerves. She said good ways of putting pressure on these children would be to roll them in a mat and press.

So that must be it. A scientific explanation, only lacking on exactly how it calms the nerves.

When you hug someone, you put your arms around them and squeeze, therefore applying pressure. But maybe that's not all there is to it.

Hm... I always believed hugging, when shared by people, is a sharing of the personal space. :) Not everyone is willing and ready to share his/her personal space to just about anyone. That's why hugging is special for me. :) I hug people I think are special.

Kaya mga taong hinu-hug ko, special kayo sakin. :p


I want to thank Tangkie for her comment on my previous post. I appreciate it a lot. :)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Leadership and me

I used to be one of the "leaders" during gradeschool. I have no idea how and when it started, but I always got chosen as the leader.

It never occurred to me that I have these leadership qualities, and so I am often surprised when people point to me to be the leader. In fact, I was often worried that I may not be doing the job well. At times, I'd have to say that I manage to do it well, but there are other times when I can't. Back then, I was the kind of person who gets easily discouraged and I suppose that's why come high school, I only exerted the tiniest bit of effort to become one of the "leaders".

But still, I was baffled. Every new school year brings new classmates. I still had no idea why, during these times (the start of the school year), a lot of people assume I'm one of the "leaders". I often got appointed as leader, either because none of them wants to, or they think I'm the type. geesh.

Honestly, I don't have the skills. >_< Sometimes, I may posses the "bossy" thing that are often present, albeit not in a bad way, in the "leaders", but I don't know... I just don't see myself as the type to lead people. I'm not someone who can comfortably tell people to do this and do that, go here and go there, if you don't do that by this time, you're dead. No, none of that.

This is also one of the reasons why I don't think I'll make it in diplomacy. I don't have the right charisma (if there ever is such a thing). I just think I'm incredibly lucky to find nice people who I like talking with and spending time with.

(Christine: I know I asked you and you told me that I do. Or at least that I'm, in a way, approachable by people... but... I don't know. What if you're the only one who thinks that? -_-)


Is it just me and rejoice, or is there something different today? It has been.. I dunno, weird. Nothing specific though. I suppose we're just both frustrated with something. -_-


I'm used to always be helping people out even in the smallest possible way. I guess it was just sort of surprising to have my help be refused by someone else. *shrug* mababaw ako eh. :)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Kuya told me of his conversation with mom the other night.

Mom had him talk to Abdul.

(For those who doesn't know, Abdul is my mom's friend who's a Muslim and a lawyer. He's a nice person, only a bit overwhelming. @_@ First time me and my siblings met him, he asked us what we thought of the sovereignty of the Philippines. I was 14, ashamed though I am, I was clueless and opionless about things like that. That's why I'm starting to read up on things which I think I should. So I could learn more, and therefore have an opinion about such things. :) yeah. 'things'. )

Abdul said everyone should learn even just a little something about world politics because it's essential in one's life. I have to say, I quite agree. In this world we live in, it'd be hard to live (unless you are either fortunate or something else which I don't know) knowing naught about it.

As a child, I always wanted to make a difference. Only... I didn't know how and how to go about it. But now, I believe that I can make a difference, even if not now, someday. It may not be political in nature though... heh. :)



A smile is such a great thing even in it's simplicity that it never ceases to amaze me.

Smiling helps lighten my feelings. Whenever I feel down, I try with the utmost effort to smile, and I find that it somehow alleviates the heavy feeling inside.

Smiling is such an easy thing to do, and such a great gift to give that giving it to someone, even strangers, starts a ripple of great things.

A smile from someone puts a smile on my face. ^_^

Ang sarap-sarap magsmile! :p Kasi ang laughter ay nagsisimula sa smile. :p

Kaya smile tayong lahat!

Smile a mile wide!



I'm afraid to fly and I don't know why. :( I'm jealous of the people who are not afraid to fly. It's just that I recall back when I was small. Someone promised that they'd catch me but then they let me fall.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

From cold, I now how a cold AND a cough. -_-; One thing I dislike more than colds are coughs. rawr.


Lola Anita's death is sad, but at the same time, happy for me. Everytime I saw her (and it wasn't all that often. I see her a maximum of 3 times a year) she seemed so frail and weak that seeing her suffering is more saddening than learning of her death.

I will forever remember her stories.

Rest in peace Lola Nanay, may you be happy there with God. :)


I feel old. Really old. Kuya Aron just had his birthday last friday, and thankfully, nagreet ko naman siya na kahit late, hindi naman ganun ka late. nyahaha! Anyway, wala lang. I just feel old.

I feel as if years are passing me by. >_< Why can't I be 16 forever? Gusto ko bumalik sa pagka 14, 15 and 16. Yun kasi yung favorite years ko. Wala lang. :)

But who knows? Baka sa "prime" ko, yun pa yung masabi kong favorite time of my life. Haha. :p

Anyway, share ko lang:

Mama wanted one of us (three) to take up law. Several weeks ago, Mama was talking me into taking up law after Eng studs. I argued with her saying, "I will never ever even consider taking up law Ma. I just don't think it's for me. >_< ".

But *surprise surprise* just a couple of weeks later, I found myself thinking of law school and wondering if indeed, it might help me in my career field choice. So much for "never ever".


Despite the sadness, I found myself in quite a bright mood this weekend. :) Weee. ^.^

Secret ko na lang kung baket. ;p

mga nakaka-alam *ssshhhh* quiet lang! :D

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Yes, I think it's time I pay tribute to these special people. From my childhood friends to the recent ones, from friends who're overseas and friends who're just around me. They are people whom I have shared a part of me with, they are people whose memories shall be forever tucked in a little corner in my heart. :)

Randomly listed, here they are:

A childhood friend, we've known each other since the 3rd grade.

Joby has been one of my favorite phone-pals back then. :p and I don't doubt she'd still be one of my favorite had her family not left for America.

Joby is a bit of a quiet girl, mahinhin, and industrious. Her family and mine are friends, needles to say, we're as close as sisters. :) Actually, friend namin siya ni Joan. :p

And how can I forget her two little brothers, AJ and Joseph? Those two very makulit and mapangasar na kapatid! Haha! ^_^ We have fun though.

Sometimes it surprises me how, after all these time, we're still friends. Ever since high school, we've only seen each other once. But make no mistake about it, I'm proud of the connection we have. Not everyone has friendships wherein you don't see a lot of each other yet when the time comes that you do, it's as if nothing changed! And I'm really really glad we're still friends. It's hard to find people like Jobylyn nowadays... Really. If you know her, you'll know what I'm talking about.

*sigh* I miss her. I rarely get to talk to her because of the time difference.

Joby, if ever you're out there reading this, I MISS YOU!!

I have some very guilty memories with her. :( But I'm really glad that never became a reason for us not to be friends. I've known her since the 1st grade - 10 years now!

Again, a family friend of ours. Her remarkable wit and speech antics never fail to make me laugh. A contrast to Joby, Chichane's loud and very much fun to be with.

I see her every now and then at school, and though it's a good thing, it reminds me that it's been a long time since I spent some quality time with her. You know, bonding. hehe.

Chichane, bonding naman tayo o! :p

Oh yes. I remember my sweet, childish friend, Angelica.

Childish? Well, yes. She was like a child. If you knew her back then you would've known what I mean.

She was yet another one of my faorite phone-companions. Soon after we started having telebabad, I became friends with her younger sister - Angela (we call her Lala).

I remember how she loved the color 'Pink', and how she gets amused by simple things. She's easily annoyed too. :p But she's a good friend! A great friend, in fact. :)

It makes me sad to think we rarely talk nowadays. Actually, since last last year. It seems we're both busy with our lives. One of these days (after midterms siguro) I'll catch her online and talk to her. :)

Miss you too ange!

One of those who left in search for a land with more promise than this land I stand on now. :(

Also one of those people whom I don't talk to often, not because of lack of effort, but because of major time difference and academic dreams.

A sweet, nice, and funny girl, I only spent time with her for one year - grade 6. We graduated and soon, a little less than a year, her family went to America.

Still, our friendship remained in tact. But yes, I'm still a little sad that I didn't have the chance to spend more time with her.

But I'm grateful we still have a chance to talk every now and then... i'm looking forward to seeing her when we visit.

First xientian na nakilala ko when I enrolled for QueSci.

She has an uncanny resemblance to Michelle Trachtenberg. Industrious and serious sa kanyang academic career, she graduated somewhere at the top of our batch. It was no surprise, really. :)

A little child-like in certain instances, it's kind of hard not to miss having her around. What with her somewhat weird reasoning at times (sometimes kasi pagtinatanong ko siya kung bakit niya gusto yung bagay, ang sagot niya "Wala lang! Gusto ko lang. :P"), and her ability to be easily amused (that's a good thing!), yes, I miss having her around.

I see her every now and then though... So it's not such a bad thing. :)

to be continued...

I'm all out of time! I'll continue next time. This is a very long list, so there's no need to fuss over finishing it right now. :)


In the beginning of friendship, a year seems to be a long time. But as time goes by, you realize that a year in friendship is, in fact, a short one. Friendship that lasts well after a few years is a friendship that has trust, quality, honesty and truth in it.

Well, that's what I say. :)