Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I lost my left eye

Yesterday morning, I lost my left contact lens. >_< Needless to say, I'll be having a hard time for a while in school. -_-;

Add to that the fact that I only went to school for one class. ONE!

It's not all bad though. Rejoice and I had yet another one of our girly-girl talks.

What with me and my paranoia and her and her... quest to finally be able to talk to "him" (whoever "him" is hehe :p).

Yesterday afternoon, instead of going straight home, I went to the hospital. My brother had to be taken there because he was experiencing extreme chest pains.

That got me scared. I don't want to experience the same thing, so I thought I should start living a healthy life. No longer would my "healthy life" consist of only laughter, it would also consist of daily excercise and right diet. -_-

It's going to take me a while though, I know that. But prevention is better than cure, right? This should be the one risk I shouldn't take.

Hehe. That shouldn't be really hard. I'm not a risky person. I rarely put myself, or any part of me, at risk. So... it should be easy... right?

@_@ Help.


I seriously think I'm too nice. I let myself be affected (and overly so) by people I shouldn't be worrying that much about in the first place.

Still, I can't help but be sad. :(

Either this is shallowness or over-sensitivity on my part. -_-; Which is it? gah.


I'm up for a busy two days:

1. Quiz in German10 this thursday
a. vocabulary
b. Einheit drei
c. Einheit vier
d. Einheit fÜnf
2. Peer Review Sheets do friday
a. Roanne
b. Chris
c. Rose
d. Corinne
3. Project in Kas1 due on friday
a. Document - Blair and Robertson
b. Specialized - (none at the moment)
c. Controversy - Blood Compact

Oh yeah. I just hope to be able to finish all these by then.


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