Saturday, August 12, 2006


Hugs, as I have always said, are one of the things I'm known for.

I love giving and receiving hugs from friends, family, and those people I care for.

I've always been curious about hugs. I've wondered, what is it about hugs that gives the receiver of the hug comfort? Why do we give hugs during times of great sadness and, equally so, during times of extreme happiness?

Hugging to me, is a lot of things.

It may represent strength being lent to the other. Comfort and assurance being given to the sad. Happiness for a friend who is victorious. Remembrance before parting, so that each may remember of their bond. Hugs are a lot of things.

But I have always wondered what it is about hugs that makes it all of those things.

I am a touchy person, in the sense that I am affectionate and love hugs. Give me a hug and I'll return it quite happily. :)

So I wonder, is it because of the touching? Something personal, that it brings comfort to the receiver?

Earlier this morning, while I was doing my concept paper on autism, I read an interview of someone who's suffering from the disorder itself. She mentioned something about autistics seeking pressure because pressure calms the nerves. She said good ways of putting pressure on these children would be to roll them in a mat and press.

So that must be it. A scientific explanation, only lacking on exactly how it calms the nerves.

When you hug someone, you put your arms around them and squeeze, therefore applying pressure. But maybe that's not all there is to it.

Hm... I always believed hugging, when shared by people, is a sharing of the personal space. :) Not everyone is willing and ready to share his/her personal space to just about anyone. That's why hugging is special for me. :) I hug people I think are special.

Kaya mga taong hinu-hug ko, special kayo sakin. :p


I want to thank Tangkie for her comment on my previous post. I appreciate it a lot. :)


At October 21, 2007 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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