Wednesday, May 03, 2006


For my own reasons, I feel like posting something which I immensely dislike about someone.

Reasons why I think my egotistic sister has a head big enough to be a planet:
1. Just because she's from Pisay, she thinks she's better than everybody else. Of course, I'm not saying this out of jealousy. I mean, why would I get jealous of someone with a big head?
Although, it's probably because the teachers drill the thought that they're better than everybody else into their students' heads, and it being after all, Pisay, which is Philippine Science. But still. They all turn out to be egotistic know-it-alls.(of course, it's sweeping generalization.)

2. She's a know-it-all.

3. She laughs at people who happens to forget something which she happens to know, thinking, "ahahaha! how stupid!"

4. She uses the excuse "I have no more room for that in my head" whenever I point out something she doesn't know and then proceeds to pointing out it's a stupid thing to know anyway. I actually think it's a lot more stupid not to have any common sense at all.

5. She would say she's bored and doesn't care to listen to certain stuff because she's already into "more intelligent things".

6. She thinks all her views are right, and when I manage to point something out against her view, she'll pretend to not understand what I'm saying, laugh, then sasy she doesn't have time for it.

7. She thinks she has the right to be mean to people and always think that they're stupid just because they didn't come from the same high school she did.

8. She has too much pride to even do the favor that was asked of her by the EXPERTS Guides. (Oh, I'm ashamed of her. Really.)

9. When a person (me) makes mistakes, she'll laugh at it acting as if it's the stupidest thing anyone can ever do - make mistakes.

10. Whenever she fails to understand something, but I did, she'll say "whatever" and say it's not important anyway.

11. She's too egotistic to remember her manners. (Not to mention, her common sense)

12. She's a hypocrite.



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